Step Beyond Normal

Alma Laguna


What People Are Saying

Attractive women talk to me

"I have not had a young attractive woman come up to me in I don't know how long. Since I've been wearing my Alma's its a regular thing. These shoes are conversation starters"

Robert G. Denver Colorado

The kids are so stoked

"Got a pair for each of my three kids and they love them! They used to rock Vans, but the Alma's are now all they wear. We will be getting more "

Donnie G. San Clemente California

Sick style... super unique

"Currently have 3 pairs and love each of them. Every time I wear them out I'm hit with compliments and questions. They are great day and night. Keep it up!"

Jon L. Las Vegas Nevada

These shoes make an entrance

"Got a pair for Christmas absolutely love the design. My daughter has been stealing mine so we will prob be ordering a new pair soon. "

Anne P. Bethesda Maryland

My go-to kicks

"A friend had a pair of Almas and I loved them. Happy to say I'm now a proud owner of my very own pair and I love them. one my feet 4 out of 7 days minimum."

Chris U. Newport Beach California